Wednesday 12 February 2014

Why Your Business Needs Fresh Content?

So you have a business online, but you are only featuring your products and/or service and wondering why you are not receiving as many sales as other online marketers. Does that sound like you? Well, instead of sitting around waiting for the next sale, why not reach out to your target market to show them that you really care about them? How? I am glad you asked!

Content – that is what people want first. When someone thinks about buying a product or receiving a service, their first thought process is to search for information about it. Most people will go directly to the search engines to find out more about your product/service. Of course, when they come to your website, you may only have a listing and description of the product/service, but what about a list of the benefits that it can provide to the user? And I am not just talking about telling someone that your product will do this or that. It is more than that.

Let’s say you are selling weight loss tablets on your website, your goal should be about letting the prospect know that you understand what they are going through. So you have to speak to their emotions. If you have a personal story, then tell it! The prospect will be able to see that you are a real person. This will get their attention faster.

A Blog is In Order
You should never have a website without hosting and maintaining a blog. A blog platform where you post regularly will take your prospects away from your main website, but it will get them in a better frame of mind to see that you are not just selling a product, but a brand and providing information that is valuable. Your blog is the area where you build relationships through valuable content.

Your blog is where you talk about issues that people are going through as it relates to your product or service. This is where you post information that your prospect may not easily find. You talk about what benefits your prospect will receive from your product. In some cases, you don’t even mention your product in the body of the content until you get to the last paragraph; where you will include a link to your product and invite the prospect to take a look.

You don’t want your posts to be promotional. People get turned off by this and the search engine’s new algorithm, Google Hummingbird prefers that your posts be conversational and beneficial to what the person searched for.

The Importance of Content
Content is so important to your business. It gives you expert status. When someone reads your content and is able to tell that you have in-depth knowledge and expertise, who do you think they will come to for more information? You, of course! So why are you not writing fresh content? Is it because you don’t’ have time, you don’t know how or you just don’t care? You are leaving money on the table, if you aren't. 

It is better to hire a writer to do the job for you rather than be so laid back that you don’t take the initiative. Outsourcing is not new and you may need to get on board if you want your online business to catapult. With this advancing information age, you cannot afford not to. And, in addition, you will be able to reach a wider audience. While you sleep, people from all over the world will be looking at what you have to say. Lead them with your content. Don’t lead them with your product page.

If you would like to hire my writing expertise or purchase one of my self-published books to support a full-time writer, then please go to my Amazon Book Page by clicking the link. 

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