Tuesday 4 February 2014

Google+ - The New CEO of SEO and Success for Your Brand

There has been a lot of discussion among online marketing experts whether or not Google+ is actually more effective in altering the face of SEO. Many people are still not ready to play ball. They prefer to wait and see. One of the primary reasons for the wait is that some think that Google+ is only being used by a small percentage of niche audience. Despite the dubiousness, it is apparent that Google+ has taken center stage in the world of SEO and it appears as if it will remain so for a long time to come.

Internet technology is ever evolving and that includes the marketing strategies that businesses use to maintain dominance. No business can expect to be successful on just their brand. It will take much more. People want to put a human face to the business. Anonymity is no longer an accepted protocol on the Internet. People are looking for transparency and Google+ seamlessly provides this to every brand.

Dominance at its best
Google+ has made a tremendous impact on SEO. While Facebook may have a superior market share, Google+ dictates SEO with its constantly changing algorithm rules. When you create content using Google+, it is indexed in a similar way as other pages on the Internet. However, since Google is one of the most popular search engines of all times, it goes without saying that content created on their platform will fare better. Any posts made on Google+ remains there for a long time. Compared to a standard tweet, which only receives approximately fourteen minutes of longevity, this is a major advantage from an SEO standpoint.

Google + also provides a higher profile visibility. Once your Google+ profile has been authenticated on web sites where you publish content, your image will appear next to the search results; thereby, gaining more visual attention. As specified previously, a human face offers credibility to a post or an article on a website.
When you set up a Google+ account, you will have a chance to write a profile or biography. Using targeted keywords, you can create maximum visibility when potential customers conduct a search for those keywords.

Content authority
Furthermore, Google+ is closely linked to content authority. When you write authoritative and interesting content, Google will give it higher profile dominance in search results. Google+ authorship will continue to improve your search performance. So it is in your best interest to use targeted keywords and keyword phrases in your content.
It could easily be said that Google+ is an exceptional and emergent social network that is profoundly entrenched into the ecosystem of the major search engine in the ecosphere. If you were to ignore it or undermine its prominence, it may not be a very practical thing to do. In fact, if effectively utilized, it can create new SEO opportunities for your business such as Google Hangouts and Google Drive.

Hanging out
Additionally, Google+ offers another useful feature, which is Google Hangouts. It provides users with the chance to chat face to face within the Google+ platform. You receive access to the video conferencing tool to connect to your customers and employees. This eliminates all geographic barriers and allows you to be more hands-on and productive.
You can conduct your weekly company meetings in Google Hangouts. In addition, you can access the minutes for past meetings, discuss future projects and assign new work to your team members. You can use it to demonstrate your product or discuss your services with your potential customers.

Within the Google+ Hangouts, you can choose a group of fans and conduct question and answer session. You can run a contest during the session and offer a prize to the winner. If your goal is to reach a wider audience, you can be the host of a “Hangout on Air,” which can be recorded and viewed on YouTube. Invite viewers to make comments or ask questions, which you will answer using specific keywords.

Storing and accessing documents
Google drive within the Google+ framework allows you to store documents and share them with specific individuals. Some of these documents could include presentations, spreadsheets, articles and even books.


It is obvious that Google+ has proven its incredible capabilities for enhancing your brand. It is easy to use and provides a streamlined method of collaboration without worrying about distance. There are also many opportunities for search engine optimization. 

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